Practical and vocational foundations

General and technical knowledge about scientific, technological and professional aspects is taught in this part of the course. Over twenty outside contributors are involved in the training provided through its modules.

  • Scientific: conference series, learning programming methods, bibliographic projects
  • Professional (for English-speakers): use of French, humanities modules (economics, etc.)
  • Technological: Transmission networks (access, high-speed) experimental workshops on the simulation of WDM devices, PON characterization, optical devices for amplification and switching, special optical fibres, microscopy for the life sciences, pulsed imaging techniques, realization and characterization of laser diodes.

Scientific practical and vocational foundation

The scientific practical and vocational foundation prepares students for the techniques used in research and provides an apprenticeship in this kind of work: shared lecture series through the UEB digital campus, learning of programming methods, etc. These TU involve a number of outside contributors, especially from the Photonics Bretagne business cluster, which was government-approved in 2011 and is supported by the region of Brittany. These companies are high-tech SMEs in photonics R&D. Students also benefit from the network of relationships that their teachers have in laboratories experienced with research contracts (regional, industrial and European contracts, ANR, FUI, etc.)

Professional foundation

The professional practical and vocational foundation focuses on the practice of English (essential for working in research), French as a foreign language for non French-speaking students and Human, Social and Economic Sciences. Each institution takes charge of this part of the teaching in combination with the other training it offers.

Technological foundation

The technological practical and vocational foundation is a common entry point for all the educational establishments of the consortium to the five top-ranking technological core facilities (NanoRennes, PIXEL, PERFOS, PERSYST, PERDYN), common services (confocal and multiphoton microscopy) or specialised laboratories (dynamic imaging techniques, characterization of semiconductor optical amplifiers and acousto-optic modulators).