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IRISA Laboratory

The IRISA unit (Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires = Institute of computing and randomised system research) was founded in 1975. It is a combined research unit specialising in computing, automated systems and robotic signals/imagery. Through its comprehensive work in these fields, IRISA has established itself as the leading research laboratory in Brittany. It has a strong presence within the campuses of Rennes, Vannes, Lannion and Brest.

850 people, 40 teams, 7 departments (Large Scale Systems/Networks, telecommunications and services/Language and Software Engineering/Digital signals and imaging, robotics/Media and communications/Data and knowledge management) all combine to offer leading digital science services to the world of health, the environment, transport, multimedia, industry...

By associating 8 administrative institutions (CentraleSupélec, CNRSENS RennesIMT Atlantique, InriaINSA Rennes, Université de Bretagne Sud (UBS), Université de Rennes),the Breton laboratory has positioned itself as a research centre of excellence, serving the Science, Telecommunications, Data and Communications fields by focusing on scientific priorities including bio-digital data, security systems, new software architecture (Manycores, Cloud computing) and virtual reality.

The five IRISA teams at ENSSAT include, notably, teacher/researchers from ENSSAT and the IUT in Lannion.