Sustainable and socially responsible development (DDRS)
Fully aware of its social responsibility to protect the environment within a context of economic growth, ENSSAT has committed to a sustainable development plan.
« Sustainable development means development answering today’s needs without compromising future generations’ ability to take care of theirs » Brundtland report, 1987

A legal requirement
Article 55 of the Grenelle law 1 dated 3/08/1999 decrees that all higher education institutes must implement a « green plan » in accordance with the nationwide sustainable development strategy. This strategic sustainable development plan covers all aspects of sustainable development:
- Enviromental factors
- Social factors
- Economic factors
The plan was compiled jointly by the CPU (University President’s Committee), the CGE (Higher Education Institute Committee) and the student’s association under the guidelines defined by the national commission of sustainable development.
A duty to set a good example
Like all public institutions, Higher Education institutions have a social responsibility to set a good example, to drive forward and promote the fundamental values associated with sustainable development (through its presence within the public arena).
ENSSAT’s main objective is to train future executives. With this in mind, the school has a duty to play an exemplary role with regards to its ecological impact, providing its students with valuable guidance enabling them to deal with the issues they’ll encounter in their future professions in an environmentally responsible manner.
A steering group made up of the respective heads of the school’s departments defines and oversees the implementation of the plan. On an annual basis, ENSSAT populates the self-evaluation « Green-Plan » database.