Soutenance d'habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR) de Fabienne Saliou
Vendredi 28 juin 2024 à 14h, à l'Enssat - amphithéâtre 137 CFabienne SALIOU (Orange Innovation, Lannion) soutiendra son HDR intitulée : « Opportunités d’utiliser de l’amplification optique dans les réseaux d’accès ».
This document provides an overview of my research activities, which have primarily been developed within Orange Innovation (formerly Orange Labs), in collaboration with numerous colleagues, academic and industrial partners. Since 2006, I have been primarily involved in industrial research focused on future optical access networks. This has given me the opportunity to co-supervise 6 PhD students, several master or engineer degree intern students and apprentices. I have contributed to 173 publications and presentations in journals, letters and major conferences, including 35 as first author. The first part of this document “Part A” provides the complete details of my research activities, including my CV, a summary of my research journey and a detailed list of my research activities. At the end of this part A, an annex document provides the full list of publication of my work as first author and co-author. The second part of this document “Part B” reports of my research activities on the opportunity to use optical amplification in optical access networks. After an introduction of the context of these studies, I provide some examples of research work on optical amplification for Time Division Multiplexing-Passive Optical Networks (TDM-PONs), then for Wavelength Division Multiplexing-PON (WDM-PON) and finally for Point-to-Point (PtP) links. After a conclusion on this topic, I give a prospective of my potential future research work.
- Véronique Moeyaert, Professeur à Université de Mons, rapporteure
- Liam Barry, Professor à Dublin City University, rapporteur
- Catherine Lepers, Professeur HDR, Institut Mines-Télécom/ Télécom SudParis, rapporteure
- Stéphane Azou, Professeur à Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest, Examinateur
- Monique Thual, Professeur à Université de Rennes, Examinatrice